The “Streetlights” series was originally commissioned by Palo Alto Public Art and was inspired by historic California Avenue district as a local, unique, culturally rich and ever evolving community. In these paintings, various plants create patterns and paths with their natural growth; clustering, radiating, reaching. Laid out on a long surface, the vines, stems, and leaves form organic paths similar to the directional flow of foot traffic throughout California Ave on a bustling Sunday morning.
The digital symbols interwoven throughout each piece contrast the organic paths and act as architecture to flow around, under, and in between. Each symbol was generated using a program I wrote that attaches action words to symbols. The symbols represented in this series include “remain,” “belong,” “overcome,” “shake,” “taste,” "prepare,” “enjoy” and “go.”
The Proliferation series combines digital symbols with disembodied flora to comment on natural and contrived growth, systems and "virality." Pairing the crisp, manufactured icons with plant life references the living (sometimes over-grown) quality of our online interactions through the filter of the computer screen.